
Shopping For A Home Online Or In Person – Which One’s Right For You

Shopping for a new home is certainly exciting, especially if it’s your first home but often comes with some interesting challenges. A generation ago, the only way to shop for a home was to drive the local routes, use a realtor, and shop around physically. While this is still 100% valid in today’s marketplace, the advent of online postings and the internet as a whole gives us additional resources.

If you’re shopping for a new home, we’ve put together some valuable tips to help you find what’s right for you.

Perspective and Perception

Undoubtedly, you’ll probably start your home buying journey online. After all, the internet is a wealth of knowledge and if you’re moving to a new city entirely, can be your best ally when it comes to choosing a neighborhood. The internet can be a great place to start, but be sure your mind is correct.

What you see online doesn’t necessarily meet the eye when seen in person. An artistic real estate poster, for example, can use cameras and lighting to their advantage to make rooms seem larger or more welcoming. One way to combat this is to see a physical floor plan and have an idea in your mind of the dimensions of a room when you make your visit.

The Online Effect

What is it about shopping online that makes the things we want to buy more desirable? That sense of urgency that sets in when making an online purchase seemingly drives us crazy especially when it’s a one of a kind purchase like a home. Keep your emotions at bay, though.

It’s easy to set your eyes on a home online and automatically key in on it for your purchase; however, it’s important to table those emotions until you’ve seen the home and made a valid evaluation. Stay focused on your purchase, but don’t put the first thing you see at the top of your shopping list.

Know Thy Neighbors

Probably the biggest determining factor in online vs. in-person shopping for a home is the neighborhood and the people surrounding the home you’ve got your eyes on. Naturally, the internet can tell you a lot about a neighborhood from crime reports to household incomes, but the intangible aspect of who your neighbors are will never be made visible on the internet.

If nothing else, you should scout out the neighborhood you’re looking to buy in. Spend several hours there walking around, talking to the people, and seeing what the neighborhood has to offer. See what the activity in the neighborhood looks like at night as well. This can tell you quite a bit about your potential new neighbors and their neighborhood.

Be Committed to Buy

Shopping for a home sounds peachy in theory, but when it comes time to pull the trigger you may experience cold feet about your new purchase or aspects of it. We highly recommend being committed to buying a home before you start seriously looking. Get all of your ducks in a row, make sure your finances are in order, and be ready to make the purchase when the opportunity presents itself.

That preparation starts with getting in touch with Tidewater Mortgage Services. The experienced loan officers at Tidewater have many years of mortgage experience and are ready to help you find the mortgage product right for you, your family, and your new home. One call can get you pre-qualified for your new purchase, putting you in position to buy that dream home when you’re ready!

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