The real estate universe is constantly changing which means as a real estate agent, you must be ready to handle the changes in a constantly fluctuating market. With so many different tools available to you, how do you keep up with something that is seemingly a constantly moving target?
We’ve got some ways that can help you stay on top of a changing and evolving market and here’s how:
Optimize the User Experience
Buyers are increasingly and eventually will completely look to online listings, websites, and blogs to find information about you, your services, or the housing market in general. While you may already have an online presence with plenty of social media coverage and all of the bells and whistles, it may be time to make sure all of that is optimized for your users.
Your online users whether buyers or sellers are looking to streamline how they gather information, browse listings, and interact with you the agent. If any barriers are presented that in any way derail their focused attempts to use what you’ve made available to them, then you can expect to potentially lose a sale or client.
For that reason, make sure that your online interface and online experience, in general, are 100% optimized for your target clients.
Be a Proactive Business Planner
As a small business owner, you likely have some of the ingrained attitudes that all small business owners share. Most of those things are reactive in and often times procrastinative in nature, so be sure to be proactive with your future especially when things are constantly in flux or uncertain.
What this means is that you should spend time throughout the year evaluating not only where you are currently but where you’re going and how you will both get there and have gotten to where you are. The difference between successful business owners and ones with great potential is their ability to identify opportunities and invest wisely while recognizing past and future stumbling blocks.
Basically, keep doing what you’re great at and ditch what doesn’t work or what causes you to take steps backward.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
Aside from making sure that your online workflows are seamless and user-friendly, ensure that you’re using the right technology to get users where they need to go and give them the resources to get there.
One way of doing this is to use an all-in-one marketing software such as HubSpot or something similar that ties into your existing online infrastructure while giving you ways to generate leads and follow through on leads to close sales. Fortunately, there are plenty of these types of software available at a number of different price points.
The idea is to automate as much of the user experience as possible while giving you qualified leads to close as sales once they’ve gone through the proper channels.
Eliminate the Biggest Stumbling Block
A lot of what makes a successful agent is knowing what holds them back and getting rid of it altogether as we’ve already mentioned. One of the biggest things that can derail a potential sale is having a buyer or seller who doesn’t have their finances in order when it comes time to close on a home.
For this reason, get in touch with Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. Tidewater has over 20 years of experience in the mortgage industry and has helped countless agents, buyers, and sellers get the financial ball rolling before pens hit paper at the closing table. Start your clients early in the process of getting pre-qualified for financing and save yourself the headaches down the road.