Whether you’ve just moved into a new home or you’re looking to be a first-time neighbor, there is a certain unwritten code of conduct for being neighborly. From simply being respectful to “cleaning up the place,” neighborliness can go a long way in building relationships with those around you.
Here are 7 ways to be a good neighbor:
- Monitor Your Volume
Probably the #1 general rule of being a good neighbor is to be respectful in every way. One of the things you can do to be a good neighbor is to monitor your noise levels. No one likes a raging house party in the middle of the night, excessively loud music, or constantly barking dogs. Be respectful, and keep the noise to a minimum.
- Keep Up with Your Home
Whether or not you’re the type to have company over to see the interior of your home, you can at least keep things picked up and put away outside. Your neighborhood is only as attractive as each dwelling within it, so try your best to keep things attractive outside. Keep your lawn mown, trash put away, tools and toys kept up, and you’ll be a better neighbor for it.
- Be a Respectful Host
Much like our #1 tip, be respectful if you’re hosting people. Older neighborhoods are especially susceptible to a lack of parking for evening or overnight guests, so do your best to keep vehicles off the road, out of the flow of traffic, and certainly away from your neighbor’s property if possible. If not, make sure you at least ask permission for “overflow parking.”
- Be a Greeter
No, this doesn’t mean you should knock on everyone’s door just to say hey. If you’re out and about and you see one of your neighbors, at least make the effort to say hello and greet them. If you’re out on a walk or playing with the kids, a simple “hello” can go a long way to making you a better neighbor.
- Make Yourself Available
Depending on your neighborhood and how old it is will depend on how much neighbors depend on one another for simple tasks around their homes. Older neighborhoods with older homes are susceptible to the occasional “needed hand” for doing some simple maintenance tasks once and again. Do your best to be available for this every-so-often task and be willing to help.
- Be Commendable
Some neighborhoods are very tightly knit while others are a little more standoffish; however, no matter the situation be commendable in all of your actions. Don’t speak ill of your neighbors and certainly refrain from being the source or the receiver of regular gossip about folks in the neighborhood. Put another way, stay away from the drama!
- Be Trustworthy
Today’s society lends itself to being less and less trusting of others and for good reason. You’ll find, though, that as a good neighbor one of the best things you can do is be trustworthy and honest. There’s no more unsettling feeling than knowing that the people you share a common area with may be deceptive or untrustworthy in their actions, so do your best to always do the right thing and gain your neighbors trust.
Become a Neighbor
Being a good neighbor begins with getting a home within a neighborhood. If you’re looking at buying, then get in touch with the loan officers at Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. Tidewater’s extensive network of lenders can help you find a mortgage product that will get you into the neighborhood you’ve dreamed of.